white-list PGP Universal Server to over ride cached time limit

“key search user@domain.com [keys.domain.com]: error getting recipient encryption key: Skipping keyserver keys.domain.com because it was down the last time it was checked”

you can force to not mark a keyserver as down if you put the entry in a white list in /etc/ovid/prefs.xml at the proxy section:


  1. <proxy>
  2.  <keyserver-white-list>
  3.     <hostname> keys.domain.com</hostname>
  4.  </keyserver-white-list>
  5. </proxy>

Restart services

Blackberry Enterprise Activation OTA without Appworld

This post is for anyone that has to deploy blackberry to users in a company and are subscribed to only a blackberry BIS data plan. Typically, you would need to install appworld, then assign a blackberry ID to the berry. If this is a corporate berry, then it will take a lot of time doing this individually. Here you go, from your blackberry browser, click on the link below and install RIMs application –  Enterprise Activation.

This can only be done via OTA download and install the app.
